Artist Jeff Mandell creates caricatures for Rider students
By Elena Lobo
From digital drawing to animation to caricature, the world of art is an open door that anyone can explore and experience. One form of art experienced at Rider University was a caricature event that took place on March 13. The event was set up and facilitated by Rider business graduate student and
Graduate Assistant of Campus Life Gabrielle Orszulak. Filled with lots of fun and entertainment, multiple caricatures were drawn by artist Jeff Mandell.
Mandell has been creating art in caricature form for 45 years. Although he is now set in Winter Park, Florida, Mandell started his career in the beautiful and sunny beach town of Ocean City, Maryland. Spending his time on the boardwalk, Mandell spent hours each day creating wonderful works of art in the form of the “quick-sketch” art style and meeting unique personalities along the way.
With decades of experience under his belt, Mandell utilizes his talent to make multitudes of people smile with his creations.
“I feel like I haven’t worked a day in my life,” said Mandell.
During the event, 23 students were drawn in total by Mandell. Along with hosting the event, Orzulak also sat down for a caricature drawing.
“It was a great experience. Being the person who got to set up the event and help facilitate the event, I got to interact with both Jeff and the students. Jeff was very nice and personable, and the students all seemed very happy with their finished pictures,” said Orszulak.
When asked if she has had a caricature drawn of herself prior to the event, Orszulak answered, “I have gotten a caricature done at the Yankee Candle Factory in Massachusetts and Legoland in California, both when I was young.”
Caricature art is meant to exaggerate the model’s features in a fun way, not distort them. Mandell’s drawings featured caricatures with large eyes and long faces. Despite the detailed drawings, caricature art typically only takes 3 to 5 minutes to create. To ensure top quality, each participant sat still while Mandell drew.
The caricature style has been around since the 16th and 17th centuries and is still popular to this day. Even famous artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Monet and Daumier drew in caricature form at one point in time.
As Mandell drew, the participants enjoyed the lively company and talk, all of which added to the experience.