Paranormal investigator shares evidence of ghosts
By Tori Pender
Students became immersed in the world of paranormal beings at a virtual event titled “Ghosts with Chris Fleming” that took place on Feb. 19.
Fleming is a Chicago native and world-renowned medium, counselor, researcher and paranormal investigator who has almost 50 years of experience.
Fleming showed the audience evidence of ghosts he has collected since he was a kid.
Fleming has hosted the shows, “Dead Famous,” “Help My House is Haunted” and “Psychic Kids.”Also, he was a special guest on the first-ever “Ghost Adventures Live” show at the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in West Virginia.
“I don’t even like that term,” Fleming said, referring to the term ghost hunter. “Because I do so much more than that. I am a paranormal investigator, I am a counselor and I am a researcher in this field working with some of the top minds in our discoveries in what we know.”
Fleming continues to make many contributions to the paranormal community. He is the co-creator of the Spirit Box (SB-7) with Gary Galka who is an award-winning paranormal investigator and engineer that created the MEL Meter and RT EVP Detector.
The Spirit Box works by sweeping over radio waves at a rapid speed. The energy that is created allows for a spirit to manipulate the radio waves and produce audible sounds that can be heard by humans which allows spirits to communicate with humans.
Typically, Fleming’s college events consist of a presentation and afterward, there is a ghost walk that entails 30 students joining Fleming on a ghost hunt on campus — however, because of COVID-19, that is not possible.
The Zoom presentation shared drawings that Fleming has made of ghosts ever since he was a child growing up in what he believes was a haunted house.
“I became fascinated watching these things whether it was in my bedroom or my parent’s room. As they would come through the walls, float around real quickly or sometimes really slow. They would take either a semi-manifestation form or a complete one and they would walk through a wall or they would walk down a hallway and they would disappear. I was sitting there in my brain going, ‘How do they do this?,” said Fleming.
When he was a child, Fleming’s mom bought books about the paranormal as well as a Ouija board into the house for Fleming and herself to use.
“The problem is, you are not educated about [that] stuff when you’re that young so we [were] letting whatever wants to come through. We were giving it permission and that was the worst thing we could have done. Because of that, we started having negative things happen in my house,” said Fleming.
It is common knowledge in the paranormal community that Ouija boards used by kids who are uneducated on proper use inevitably allow harmful spirits to come through the opened portal.
After Fleming’s first experience with something malicious, he persevered and continued to gather evidence and understand the paranormal.
Fleming also presented video and photo evidence from different types of cameras, including 110 Instamatic cameras, full-spectrum cameras, cell phone cameras and infrared cameras.
Full-spectrum cameras cover UV-lights, infrared lights and visible light. This camera can see more of the electromagnetic spectrum than a human can.
Audio evidence was also shown in the Zoom call. Besides audio evidence from the SB-7, electric voice phenomena (EVP) from traditional voice recorders were also played.
After the presentation, some remain skeptical about the existence of ghosts.
“I thought the event was unique, to say the least. Obviously, I know there are limitations due to Covid for what we can do online versus in person. When it comes to stories about ghosts and demons, I’m very skeptical, after all, people will say almost anything to make a quick buck. However, if Chris ever came back to do an in-person live show I would definitely like to see if he can show me something I’ve never seen before,” said junior biology major Daria Brockington-Gray.
Others were very intrigued by the presentation.
“The event was super cool. I loved hearing all of Chris’s personal experiences. I’m super interested in this kind of stuff so the fact that Rider hosted an event like this was awesome,” said freshman business administration major Ragan Yates.
Fleming can be found on Instagram and Facebook @ChrisFlemingOffical and hosts a monthly podcast called “Spirit Talk” that can be found on iTunes.