Rider students alerted to potentially dangerous ex-employee of campus contractor
By Stephen Neukam
Rider students were put on alert about a former university contractor employee that may pose a risk to the community through alert system emails, texts and phone calls at 8 p.m. on Feb. 16, telling anyone who sees the man to not approach him and call Public Safety.
The email, which features a photo of the male but not his name or where he worked, said that the potential threat was not directed at any individual but that the alert was made out of an abundance of caution.
The Lawrence Township Police Department was contacted and was on campus as part of the investigation.
Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Planning and Secretary to the Board Debbie Stasolla said that the man was on campus earlier Tuesday, but the university was not aware of the threat until after he was gone. Stasolla said the alert was sent out in case the man returned to the campus.
According to the email, additional Public Safety officers were posted throughout the campus and will remain for the rest of the week. Associate Vice President for University Marketing and Communication Kristine Brown said that extra Lawrence Township Police Department Patrols would be sent to the university as well.
Brown said Tuesday night that the university was not sharing the nature of the threat or the individual’s name.