“Relatable” comedian is coming to Rider

By Safiya Hylton

From Conan the Talk Show to Inside Joke, Dry Bar Comedy and Jimmy Kimmel Live, comedian Kellen Erskine will be sharing his amusing sense of humor to Rider University on Sept. 18 at 8 p.m. in the Yvonne Theater.

Erskine is a TV actor and comedian whose jokes have landed him spots on Conan O’Brien’s talk show and Jimmy Kimmel’s late night talk show, performing at small venues and making people laugh across the country.

The Student Entertainment Council’s (SEC) comedy chair James Green explained why Erskine was chosen to perform at Rider.

“There were many talented and well-known comedians to choose from,” Green said. “However, Kellen Erskine stood out not only because of his subtle and humble characteristics, but also because of how important it was for the council to find someone who could appeal and relate to Rider University students.”

Green further explained that Erskine’s material relates to others on “many levels” and that ability is important when it comes to being a comedian.

“Especially since you want the people that you are making a joke for to laugh with you, since it is so relatable, and that is [a talent] Kellen Erskine has,” Green said.

Green also pointed out that Erskine’s specific kind of comedy differentiates him from others, and that his jokes are meant to make others feel at ease.

“Other comedians may have to bring politics, the environment, race and just other controversial topics that could possibly cause issues into their jokes to make comedy,” Green said. “But Erskine is different.

Erskine does not include anything contentious that could cause controversy because he wants to make sure that he is keeping his audience engaged on him and his experiences.”

Elaborating, Green emphasized that making a relaxed environment is what influenced the SEC to choose Erskine.

“Erskine was chosen to come to Rider because of how comfortable he makes his audience feel and allowing him to create a diverse environment, making all students feel included and welcomed,” said Green.

Junior theater performance major Rebecca Ponticello has attended comedy acts on campus in previous years, and always looks forward to having a good time and laughing with friends.

“I enjoy a good laugh and escape from classes,” Ponticello said. “My friends and I always try to go to help get away from homework for an hour and just relax for a minute.”

This year, Ponticello said the thing she looks forward to most from Erskine is “a good laugh.”

Green felt that all students would enjoy Erskine’s jokes, and that the show is best enjoyed with others.

“Kellen Erskine will have you laughing with all the comical things he has to share with you,” said Green.

“This comedy night will be one to remember and just a great time for everyone. For anyone who may be contemplating about coming this is the perfect opportunity to just come out and experience a room full of laughter with others.”

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