Presidential search website launched
By Caroline Haviland
Rider’s presidential search website just launched, according to a universitywide email sent by Chair of the Presidential Search Committee and Trustee Joe McDougall on Nov. 18.
“This dedicated platform will keep you updated on important developments throughout the search process, providing you with a central resource for all information and announcements,” the email read.
Accessible through, the website offers a space for individuals to submit questions that will eventually lead to a generalized question-and-answer section, said McDougall in an interview with The Rider News on Nov. 7.
Students can also offer input via an online survey attached to McDougall’s email.
The website features sections for both potential candidates and inquisitive students eager to learn about the members of the committee and the timeline of operations.
To justify a private search process, the website states five reasons for confidentiality: attracting strong candidates, reducing external influence, encouraging honest assessments, maintaining professionalism and allowing a thorough process.
The website will be updated as the presidential search continues forward.