Security Briefs
By Raven Syed
Auto-mow-bile accident
Window whacker. On Oct. 3, at 1:08 p.m., Public Safety was contacted by a passer-by who reported that a vehicle located near the Science and Technology Center had been broken into. Public Safety responded and discovered that vehicle. After concluding the investigation, it was determined that the window had been broken when lawn maintenance was being performed in the area.
Library lurker
Stranger danger. On Oct. 3, at 4:41 p.m., Public Safety was notified by a student of a suspicious person near Moore Library. The suspicious person was approaching students, asking them for their social media information. Public Safety found a male matching the description. When Public Safety approached, they began to walk away and would not cooperate. Lawrence Township Police Department was called for assistance. The male was issued a letter of persona non grata, banning them from Rider.
Courtyard creativity
Chalk outline. On Oct. 7, at 9:08 a.m., Public Safety was dispatched to the Beckett A and B courtyards for the report of graffiti on the sidewalk. Upon their arrival, Public Safety found several spots where the sidewalk had been written on in chalk. Facilities Management was contacted and requested to clean the sidewalks.