Security Briefs
By Jasmine White
Damaged Doors
Unsecured exits. On Feb. 25, at 2:02 p.m., Public Safety observed one of the Hill Hall, B-Pod exterior doors propped open with a rock. The officer removed the rock, then at 2:25 p.m., the officer observed the same door propped open. While the officer was securing it, he observed another student enter a propped door on the A-Pod of Hill Hall. Upon further inspection, the A-Pod door was damaged and could not be secured. Facilities was notified of damage and requested to make repairs.
Marijuana in Moore
Pungent odors. On Feb. 27, at 10:12 p.m., Public Safety was dispatched to Moore Hall for the report of the odor of marijuana near the elevator. Upon arrival, Public Safety met with the Residence Life staff who reported being notified of the odor by a student. Public Safety detected the odor in and around the elevator. They checked the entire building but could not locate the source of the odor.